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The Telephone Game Scott Nickell The Telephone Game Scott Nickell

Gossip vs. Praise

James 3:2-12 | Controlling our words may be one of the most difficult things to do. The same mouths we praise God with also can be used to hurt and harm others. Understanding how powerful and dangerous words can be can also lead to using them for the ultimate good which is praising God.

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The Telephone Game Jon Weece The Telephone Game Jon Weece

Gossip vs. Gospel

Romans 10:9-17 | The Gospel is the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done. When we use our words to spread and share this good news beautiful things happen! Instead of choosing to spread gossip we can spread the gospel.

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Standalone Scott Nickell Standalone Scott Nickell

Build a Strong Family

Family, faith, and community—we'll discover how God places the lonely in families and how strong families grow through grace and truth. Southland has always been a place where the broken find belonging. Jesus came to bring people from death to life, and our mission is to join Him in that work.

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