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The Junk Drawer Jon Weece The Junk Drawer Jon Weece

The Middle Ground

Mark 12:12-17 | The religious leaders of Jesus' day tried to trap him saying something he shouldn't say. Jesus refused to fall prey to their polarizing options. Instead, he brilliantly found a middle ground in his response giving us a blueprint for how to navigate difficult conversations. Loving one option doesn't always infer that we hate the other option. Sometimes our choices aren't between right and wrong, but between better and best. In this sermon, we will learn how to find the middle ground with the goal of uniting people in a divided world.

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Standalone Connor Hall Standalone Connor Hall

Southland Students Celebration Weekend

We all come from different environments that have impacted our hearts for better or worse, but no matter what the condition of our heart’s “soil” is, God can transform it so that fruit is able to grow and thrive. However, there must also be people willing to sow these seeds, especially for our children and students. We as a church don’t want to wait until they’re older—we want to invest in what God is doing in their lives right now.

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Slow Mo Jon Weece Slow Mo Jon Weece

Overcoming Difficult Circumstances

Exodus 3:1-17:7 | Leading hundreds of thousands of people for 40 years in a desolate wasteland was no picnic in the park for Moses. As a leader, he had to improvise, overcome daunting obstacles, deal with difficult personalities, and push past personal insecurities to be effective. In this message, we will learn some simple principles to help us deal with the complex problems we often face in life.

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