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Let's Dance Jon Weece Let's Dance Jon Weece

Leading My Prayers

Matthew 6:5-13 | Prayer is an act of acknowledgement that God is God and we are not. In prayer we humbly and confidently approach our Father trusting that He wants good for us.

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Let's Dance Jon Weece Let's Dance Jon Weece

Leading My Thoughts

Matthew 9:1-7 | Like the teachers of the law we can “entertain evil thoughts in our hearts.” We can’t control what we think but we can control whether we entertain, feed, and nurture our thoughts.

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Counterfeit Jon Weece Counterfeit Jon Weece

Counterfeit Parenting

Psalm 127 | There may not be a more overwhelming task than raising children. The key to being a parent is to recognize that our children do not belong to us. We have the high calling of aiming them toward Jesus in a dangerous world.

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Counterfeit Jon Weece Counterfeit Jon Weece

Counterfeit Masculinity

Genesis 1:27-31; Genesis 2:15-17 | Our culture teaches men that they can gain their value and worth through their performance on a field, at work, or in the bedroom. The essence of manhood is a God given mandate to provide for and protect.

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The Verdict Is In Jon Weece The Verdict Is In Jon Weece

The Peace of God

I Corinthians 15:51-58 | By leaving his tomb empty, Jesus made it possible for all of us to live without fear. In this Easter message, we will see that even when the daily circumstances of life are uncertain, we have peace in our hearts because our future destination has been secured.

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The Verdict Is In Jon Weece The Verdict Is In Jon Weece

The Pardon of God

Romans 5:6-11 | We often remember the decisions the most, because our sinful choices create a unique form of spiritual slavery and captivity. In this message, we will look at the eternal freedom Jesus died to give us.

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The Verdict Is In Jon Weece The Verdict Is In Jon Weece

The Justice of God

Matthew 7:21-23 | It takes an all-knowing and all-seeing God to judge the world in a way that tips the scales of justice towards a completely unbiased outcome. In this message we will look at God’s plan to judge the earth of all the right and wrong behaviors and the legal standard he will use to do it.

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The Top Shelf Jon Weece The Top Shelf Jon Weece

The Ever-Present God

Psalm 91 | Nothing brings us more comfort and peace than to be in the presence of someone who loves us. Love heals wounds, gives hope and makes relationships flourish. Being loved unconditionally never gets old. In this message, we’ll talk about God’s irrepressible, always-present love that brings security and strength.

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The Top Shelf Jon Weece The Top Shelf Jon Weece

The All-Powerful God

Psalm 19 | What comes to your mind when you think of power? Most people think of status, wealth, education, or influence. When it comes to understanding God’s power we move into an entirely different realm. God can do anything as easily as He can do anything else. In this message, we’ll look at the evidence for God’s amazing, unlimited power.

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Storm Warning Jon Weece Storm Warning Jon Weece

Storm Chasing

Matthew 14:22-33 | Sometimes Jesus calls us into something that doesn’t make any sense. In those moments we have an opportunity to trust and obey Him. When we do it’s easy to become distracted by the level of adversity that comes our way after we’ve stepped out in faith. Thankfully, we have a Savior who doesn’t condemn us when we lose sight of Him in the midst of the storm.

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Storm Warning Jon Weece Storm Warning Jon Weece

Storm Shelter

Matthew 8:23-27 | When a storm hits in life we can seek shelter in a lot of things. Often the things we run to are destructive. Jesus is the only one who is not only able to save us, but is also with us in the middle of the storm.

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Born in a Barn Jon Weece Born in a Barn Jon Weece

Jesus’ Messy Mission

(Matthew 2:1-12): The Magi or “Wise Men” were religious outsiders searching for Jesus. While the wise men traveled a long way to find Him, they didn’t travel nearly as far as Jesus did to find them. Jesus came for everyone and that includes you and me. In this message we will see that no matter how far we’ve run, how much we’ve done, or how broken we are, Jesus came to rescue us and restore us.

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Born in a Barn Jon Weece Born in a Barn Jon Weece

Jesus’ Messy Home

(Matthew 1:18-25): Mary and Joseph had to exercise a tremendous amount of faith to be obedient during Jesus’ birth. The rumors about Mary and Joseph swirled around Jesus for the rest of his life and his critics used those rumors against Him. In this message, we will look at how to overcome a rough childhood and generational behaviors that need to be broken.

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To the Ends of the Earth Jon Weece To the Ends of the Earth Jon Weece

Multiplying Church Leaders

An older couple named Priscilla and Aquila took a bright, young leader named Apollos under their wing and downloaded the wisdom they had into heart and mind (Acts 18). In this message, we will look at how Southland is investing in church leaders from around the world by providing them with a practical theological degree.

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To the Ends of the Earth Jon Weece To the Ends of the Earth Jon Weece

Protecting Children

Jesus gave a very clear command and very stark warning about harming children (Matthew 18). The most vulnerable people in the world are the children who are being taken advantage of and have no one to provide for them and protect them. In this message, we will look at how Southland is quietly serving an often overlooked demographic of boys who are being trafficked in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.

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To the Ends of the Earth Jon Weece To the Ends of the Earth Jon Weece

Reaching The Unreached

Jesus commanded his first followers to “go” (Matthew 28) and to “be his voice” (Acts 1) so every person on the planet would have a chance to hear the good news about God’s love. In this message, we will look at how Southland is targeting densely populated urban areas in Japan, one of the most unreached countries of the world.

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Epicenter Jon Weece Epicenter Jon Weece


One of the oldest and most diverse cities in the world, Corinth was a hub of polytheism due to its port. People from all over the world traveled to and through this trade center, exchanging material goods and philosophical ideas that led to the worship of all kinds of false gods. In this message we will look at the cultural idols in the Commonwealth and a Biblical approach to deconstructing them.

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Epicenter Jon Weece Epicenter Jon Weece


From pornography to prostitution, Ephesus was a deviant place filled with people who were looking for something better than the next one night stand. In this message we will look at how the addictive tendencies in Kentucky offer an opportunity for the church to meet an unmet need and unsatisfied appetite in people with real hope.

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Unsung Heros Jon Weece Unsung Heros Jon Weece

The Zeal of Timothy

(Acts 16:1-5; II Timothy 1:1-7): God designed the church to be multi-generational. The wisdom of older people is strengthened by the passion of younger people. In this message we will look at a young leader who was given a difficult assignment, but refused to give up.

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