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The Telephone Game Scott Nickell The Telephone Game Scott Nickell

Gossip vs. Praise

James 3:2-12 | Controlling our words may be one of the most difficult things to do. The same mouths we praise God with also can be used to hurt and harm others. Understanding how powerful and dangerous words can be can also lead to using them for the ultimate good which is praising God.

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Standalone Scott Nickell Standalone Scott Nickell

Build a Strong Family

Family, faith, and community—we'll discover how God places the lonely in families and how strong families grow through grace and truth. Southland has always been a place where the broken find belonging. Jesus came to bring people from death to life, and our mission is to join Him in that work.

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Winter Fire Scott Nickell Winter Fire Scott Nickell

Prince of Peace

Isaiah 9:6 | We long for peace. We long for the fighting to stop, the pain to cease, and the tears to stop flowing. Jesus made peace for us and peace is available to everyone! Who can we introduce to Jesus this Christmas season?

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Winter Fire Scott Nickell Winter Fire Scott Nickell

Mighty God

Isaiah 9:6 | When life gets painful and the days grow dark we need a strong and mighty God to run to, lean on, and trust. His strength is displayed in our weakness. Who can we lend our strength to this Christmas season?

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The Rebel’s Guide Scott Nickell The Rebel’s Guide Scott Nickell

Get an Imperfect Job

Proverbs 16:3, Colossians 3:23 | What you do is simply that, it’s what you do. It is not who you are. Working is a good thing but it’s not an ultimate thing. Our ultimate purpose is to honor and glorify God with who we are and what we do. This means our job doesn’t have to provide us with fulfillment, satisfaction, or joy because God is the source of those good things in life.

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In Case Of Emergency Scott Nickell In Case Of Emergency Scott Nickell

Stay Connected

1 Peter 3:8, 4:7-10 | When the world moves towards chaos we can choose to move toward order. When everyone and everything is dividing and isolating we can choose to remain united. This means we have to choose harmony and listen well to each other.

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Sucker Punch Scott Nickell Sucker Punch Scott Nickell

Conquering Addiction

Galatians 5:13-26, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5) | No one ever plans to be an addict. It happens incrementally as we indulge in unhealthy behaviors and repeatedly make bad choices. “I can handle it” is the lie we perpetually choose to believe. Eventually, we realize that we can’t handle it. Such is the roller coaster ride of addiction. This message will suggest ways to overcome rather than submit to unhealthy behaviors.

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Sucker Punch Scott Nickell Sucker Punch Scott Nickell

Surviving Divorce

Mark 10:2-9 | Few words elicit more emotion than the word "divorce." We all evaluate it differently, but when we experience it, there are no words. In this message, we will learn how to help everyone involved in the emotional tug of war get to a place of healing.

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The Junk Drawer Scott Nickell The Junk Drawer Scott Nickell


2 Timothy 2:1-6 | If you want to get stronger you only need one thing. Resistance. In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, he continues to challenge him to get stronger by giving him three vivid pictures. Soldier. Athlete. Farmer. All three know a lot about facing resistance. Soldiers fight. Athletes compete. Farmers work. If we want to become stronger followers of Jesus we have to embrace the resistance we face on a daily basis as an opportunity to become stronger and more effective.

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Slow Mo Scott Nickell Slow Mo Scott Nickell

Overcoming a Bad Decision

Exodus 2:11-22 | In a fit of rage, Moses let his temper get the better of him and he killed an Egyptian soldier. For the next 40 years, Moses had to live in seclusion to avoid being punished for his crime, but God used that season of his life to prepare him for an important task. In this message, we will see how God can take our worst decisions and use them for good purposes.

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Fish Stories Scott Nickell Fish Stories Scott Nickell

Jonah’s Anger

Jonah 4 | Ever get angry because God didn’t do what you thought He should do? Unrealistic expectations and unmet needs produce anger in all of us. The root of it all is pride; the need to be in control. In this message we’ll look at how Jonah reacted when people whom he considered to be unworthy were given God’s mercy and grace. In the process we may recognize some things about ourselves that we need to change

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Fish Stories Scott Nickell Fish Stories Scott Nickell

Jonah’s Rebellion

Jonah 1 | I’ve heard it said that we can run faster when we lose our way. Ever been there? Me too. Our tendency toward rebellion is part of the fall of humanity and persists to this day more than any of us care to admit. In this message we’ll look at some of the consequences of stubbornness and disobedience that leave us swimming in a sea of regret.

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Counterfeit Scott Nickell Counterfeit Scott Nickell

Counterfeit Success

Ecclesiastes 12:13 | Solomon had everything the world uses to measure success and he had more of it than anyone has ever had and referred to it as “chasing after the wind.” We are not in control of life’s outcomes, but we can control our faithful pursuit of following Jesus each day.

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The Verdict Is In Scott Nickell The Verdict Is In Scott Nickell

The Sentence of God

Matthew 25:31-46 | From classrooms to living rooms to boardrooms, we live in a country that rewards good behavior and punishes bad behavior. In this message, we will see that if we put our faith in Jesus, God will reward us for our good deeds. If we don’t put our faith in Jesus, God will punish us for our bad deeds.

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