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The Top Shelf Scott Nickell The Top Shelf Scott Nickell

The Self-Sacrificing God

Psalm 22; Matthew 27 | We tend to measure love by a willingness to go the extra mile, sacrifice time, and lay aside personal desires for the good of someone else. God is the most self-sacrificing being in the universe. The ultimate example of that is His willingness to allow His Son to die on the cross for our sin. In this message we’ll talk about the role of self-sacrifice and how no one expresses it better than God.

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The Top Shelf Scott Nickell The Top Shelf Scott Nickell

The All-Knowing God

Psalm 139 | Who’s the wisest person you know? Our answer to that question probably includes education, insight, emotional intelligence, and breadth. God’s knowledge is unlimited and incomprehensible. He learns nothing because He knows everything. The Biblical term is “omniscience.” In this message we’ll look at the limitlessness of God’s knowledge and how understanding that affects our devotion to Him.

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Storm Warning Scott Nickell Storm Warning Scott Nickell

Eye On The Sky

Matthew 16:1-4 | Instead of looking to our circumstances for hope and confidence, Jesus challenges us to look at who He is and what He has done. Instead of demanding that He do something for us we can see what He’s already done and live with faith moving into the future.

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Storm Warning Scott Nickell Storm Warning Scott Nickell

Calm Before The Storm

Matthew 7:24-29 | A well-prepared life must be constructed on a true foundation. There are a lot of ideas, philosophies, and worldviews available to us, but only one will truly hold up when pain, suffering, and adversity comes our way.

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Born in a Barn Scott Nickell Born in a Barn Scott Nickell

Jesus’ Messy Friends

(Luke 2:1-20): The shepherds who visited Jesus after his birth were a rough crowd. Shepherds were looked down upon, ostracized and lived in the margins of a “respectable” society. The kind of people that surrounded Jesus when He was born were a foreshadowing of the kind of people He would befriend later in life. In this message, we will learn that Jesus was and still is a friend to sinners like us.

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Epicenter Scott Nickell Epicenter Scott Nickell


The capital city of the most powerful empire the world has ever known had a strange fascination and fixation with death. From gladiator fights in the Coliseum, to discarding unwanted babies in the trash, to maiming slaves, to savagery on the battlefield, the citizens of Rome were desensitized to the beauty and value of life. This message we will look at what we can do in the Bluegrass state to elevate the eternal value of every person who lives here.

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Epicenter Scott Nickell Epicenter Scott Nickell


Home to a gold mine, the citizens of Philippi were materially wealthy but spiritually sad. That’s why Paul challenges them in his letter to find joy in their relationship with Jesus. In this message we will look at how the spiritual poverty of Kentucky can be overcome with an eternal wealth that money cannot buy.

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Unsung Heros Scott Nickell Unsung Heros Scott Nickell

The Commitment of Silas

(Acts 16:16-40): The mission of God requires a special mixture of obedience and courage and an endurance that refuses to give up no matter how challenging the circumstances become. In this message we will look at a joyful prisoner whose outlook on life was used by God to lead other prisoners to Jesus.

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Unsung Heros Scott Nickell Unsung Heros Scott Nickell

The Compassion of Philip

(Acts 8:26-40): The grace we’ve received from God is too good to keep to ourselves. Philip looked for opportunities to share the difference that grace had made in his life and God led him to an unlikely person and an unlikely conversation took place as a result. In this message we will look at our responsibility to share our faith with non-believers in a way that is true to our personality.

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Cafeteria Christianity Scott Nickell Cafeteria Christianity Scott Nickell


(Romans 12:1-2): In order to act differently than those around us we have to first think differently than those around us. Paul tells us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God. What we do and don’t do with our bodies is an act of worship. In this message we will look at what the Bible has to say about our physical bodies and sex. We will learn that conforming to our culture only leads to brokenness and chaos while what Jesus calls us to leads to freedom and joy.

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Cafeteria Christianity Scott Nickell Cafeteria Christianity Scott Nickell


(Romans 12:1-2): Our culture values money, possessions, success, and fame as the highest virtues. God doesn’t see them as virtues at all. God determines what’s good, true, and beautiful so when we look to Him for answers He will always point us in the direction of true wealth.

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